About us

We are a broad based ‘hands on’ regeneration consultancy supporting organisations in developing  vibrant  communities with research, evaluation, project management and programme monitoring.

By vibrant communities we mean places where everyone has access to good quality employment opportunities, housing, health care and community services and facilities such as shops, community centres and parks.  We support the process of creating sustainable communities in a number of different ways; by

  • Helping create an evidence base of needs by researching  issues,  consulting local people, groups and service providers;
  • Bringing together organisations in partnerships so that organisations have access to the skills and support they need to make changes;
  • Developing action plans to enable change to happen;
  • Developing and managing projects, including, for example, local employment projects, housing projects, environmental improvement projects and training projects;
  • Supporting individuals, community groups and other organisations with business planning to support start-ups and business development;
  • Preparing funding bids to lever in resources;
  • Providing research and evaluation to enable organisations and partnerships to understand what’s working and what needs improving.
